Dowry - A Social Evil

Dowry - A Social Evil “Any young man, who makes dowry a condition to marriage, discredits his education and his country and dishonors womanhood”— Mahatma Gandhi Dowry or Dahej, one of the deep-rooted social evils, is flourishing in our society at an unprecedented rate. There is no denying the fact that modern citizens condemn it, yet this practice varies according to the region, caste, and creed. Although it is difficult to determine the exact cause, here is a tentative list of responsible factors: • Greed Factor • Patriarchal Society • Religious Constraints • Constraints related to Caste/Creed • Lack of Formal Education • Conservative Thinking • Desire to flaunt Social Status • Low Status of Women • A False Sense of Prestige • Illiteracy & Ignorance • Lack of Knowledge about Anti-Dowry Laws From being a financial bu...