Family or Enemy

Family or Enemy

It says in the scriptures, “A man’s worst enemies, will be they of his own house”. Having been born into a family does not mean everyone in your family will treat you as family. Sometimes, some people in your family may treat you as an enemy. There are some reasons for this.
One reason would be jealousy, like a brother or sister being jealous of the other’s achievements or attention one sibling is getting more than the other from their parents.

Another reason would be spite, due to a family member feeling the need to hurt verbally or physically someone they want to see in a humbled or inferior position in life.

A family member may be controlling and resent the person they are trying to control for resisting their influence over them.

Sometimes, people just hate for no reason.
Whatever the cause, no one should suffer abuse for any reason, just because it comes from someone in one’s family.

A person’s family is the family they make for themselves. A family member is someone, who has your best interest at heart. Someone who will put your needs before their own. Someone who loves you unconditionally. Someone who accepts you with your strengths and your faults. Someone who will support you, even if they cannot support your decisions.
Friends sometimes become family. Devotion is the key. As the scriptures says, “There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother” and “A friend is born for adversity”.
The biggest problem, is when a person listens to a family member belittling them all the time. After a while, a person loses faith in themselves and their abilities.
It is important to seek God in these situations, as well as in all situations. You cannot second guess God’s Will. You might be surprised what He can do.
A toxic person is not family but in fact an enemy. It is hard to walk away from family members who you have trusted and loved unconditionally. The heart will ache for a long time and may never heal but keeping a toxic person in your life will one day kill you. Keep the good memories with that person and move on. Be thankful to have noticed a toxic family member and live your life. Cry, walk through the pain, and come out the other side stronger.
Being family means you help one another during bad times rather than going against them. Within family lies loyalty, respect, and gratitude. Don't be blinded by the relationships formed by blood. Not all of them are genuine.

So here something I have written something about it. I hope you people will like it:


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