Compliment to Girls

                                    Compliment to Girls 

Flattering someone is an easy, straightforward way to show someone that you’re interested in them romantically, and it makes them feel nice too. Now that’s a win-win situation.
Of course, not all compliments are the same. If you want to find your way into her heart (or at least make her crack a smile), you have to use the absolute best compliments for a girl. You also need to know how to compliment a girl properly.
Fortunately for you, dear reader, this ultra-handy list of compliments for women covers all of that and more. Use these compliments for girls to make your crush swoon.

Most of the time, the best approach to complimenting someone is just being direct. Sure, an indirect compliment can be useful, but if you’re going to do something, why not go all the way with it? As long as you don’t come on too strong, a compliment is a kind gesture that can really brighten her day.
Don’t expect her to immediately jump into your arms. Your goal is to plant a seed that may blossom into romance eventually. These are compliments, not pick-up lines.
When in doubt, slip these compliments subtly and naturally into conversation when it feels right. You can also compliment a girl out of nowhere, but that’s a bigger move. Start slow, gauge her reaction, and then decide how to proceed for the next time. 

So here I have written something on it, I hope you people will like it:


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