Dirty Politics

                              Dirty Politics

The main reason for dirty politics in India is its PEOPLE.
Yeah, you read it right, PEOPLE. Perception of people towards politics is such that if a New Leader wants to come in and serve them, they themselves act in such a way that he becomes corrupt.
Indians must defeat the divisive designs and divisive politics of present third rate politicians by voting them out of power. They standardized the corporations of political parties and are practicing and managing dynastic politics and governance at the cost of peaceful and dignified living. They have been amassing money and assets in all illegal and illegitimate ways by looting the national resources and our trust and have been building family empires of parties and governance depriving us of participation in democracy through party politics and governance.
They are selfish and feudal in temper and practice of running parties and government.

They never allow us to love and be friendly with our fellow citizens near or far off and keep on negativity so that our hearts never feel the serenity of harmony and peace of togetherness. Let us throw out these politicians of divisive agenda based on our castes, religions, regions, sub-nationalities and ideologies. Let us be firm in this. Our welfare and well-being would be guaranteed and we can concentrate on our personal, family, professional responsibilities, duties and interests including our habits and cultural affinities.

Let God guide us in our endeavors and living making our lives less stressful and lively. All the best for us.
Politicians, all around the world are famous for doing dirty politics even during very serious pandemic time. This is not new with politicians around the world.  This has been happening for ages, for centuries.  And continues to happen even now  –  during coronavirus pandemic time,  more  “vigorously and efficiently”!
Politics is their profession.  No doubt about it. But they should not use a pandemic situation like this for their selfish survival. Isn’t it? But who cares?

The COVID-19 pandemic affected the political systems of multiple countries causing suspensions of legislative activities, isolation or deaths of multiple politicians, and rescheduling of elections due to fears of spreading the virus.
Few states in India like Rajasthan facing total chaos during this pandemic time. Unmindful of their responsibilities, they were engaged in dirty politics. Hopping from one party to another according to their convenience and benefits.
The poor and marginalized have borne the brunt of the lockdown with thousands of migrant workers stranded in their place of work or on highways.

We never appreciate a leader who is doing a good job, But just keep on finding loopholes to laugh at him/her.

Overall, If a democracy is ‘of the people, by the people and for the people’, people have to accept responsibility.
There are many more which can’t be summed up in a single answer. Comments to make answer better will be appreciated.

So I have written something on our Indian Politics, I hope you people will like it:


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