Jeena Isi Ka Naam Hai 

Why is it so much easier to let go of people we chose to let go of, but find it so much harder to let go of people who chose to leave our lives? Could it be something to do with the fact, that when we make that decision, we are in control, but that control is taken from us by another when they go, and there is little we can do about it?

When someone leaves you unexpectedly, it may hurt, and you may wonder what you have done wrong. The fear-based part of the mind likes to make us feel guilty for everything that goes wrong. But what if it is not your fault when someone leaves you?

If your sense of self depends on others being happy then when they leave, the mind explains it as a failure. For if they loved you, they had stayed. But not always it is about you. Mostly it’s not. 

When you let go of the idea that you can keep others happy and part of your life forever, you free yourself to be who you are.

The pursuit of receiving love from others builds unequal relationships. When you put someone on a pedestal, they must leave.

The universe doesn’t like special cases; it’s ego that loves it. When you are dependent on someone’s approval or love, you create inequality between you two. However, from the perspective of universal consciousness, we’re equal. Thus the ego violates this fundamental law of life. As a result, the person you raised above yourself must leave.

Another reason why it’s difficult to let go of people who leave us is that we haven’t yet learned the lesson. Each relationship is a divine assignment that teaches us about ourselves and life.

When someone leaves you, it’s okay

Learn to be ready for things not working out the way you wish. People will leave and criticize you and challenges will appear. When we don’t want to accept it, we fight reality and create even more struggles.

You don’t know how often I meet people who don’t do what they want because they fear that someone will leave them. In fact, I used to be the same. For a long time, I wouldn’t fight for my dreams or even speak about them because I feared that my friends and family wouldn’t approve the new (true) me.

I held myself back and tried to fit in. And guess what? It reached the point when I couldn’t continue any longer and stopped caring about other people’s approval. Yes, many people did leave my life, but it did not hurt, on the contrary, I felt liberated to follow my path. Since then my circle of friends has been changing, and it’ll continue because I’m continually evolving.

Don’t stop evolving because of others.

If you want to grow into your highest potential, then be ready to lose people’s love and approval. Be ready to be different and stand out. Be ready to say goodbye to people you once were best friends with. It’s inevitable as long as you keep growing.

If you’re serious about your life and your inner growth, then learn to be okay with discomfort. Instead of trying to keep everyone happy, think about how you react when they’re not. Will you allow it to affect you? Will it shake your balance?

I know that many people don’t stand up for themselves out of fear of losing someone’s approval. And although I understand you, I think it’s a shame. Life is short; you should live to the best of your abilities. The right people will always come and stay. While those who were just fellow travelers for some time fulfilled their mission and so they left.

So here I have written something about it, I hope you people will like it:


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