Sharing Is Caring

Sharing Is Caring 

-          Steve Jobs

What is Sharing is Caring 

Sharing is caring is a common phrase but had a big meaning that when we share something with someone else it is equal to caring him. we show care and our interest in him by sharing, sharing is not only limited to tangible things, we can share an intangible thing as well like a spiritual thought, any kind of idea, our learning's or may be our experiences.

The greatest art of living happily and peacefully is caring others and share ones belonging with others without any hesitation and worry. Caring is a divine property, It is said that Almighty Allah cares a person more than a 70 mothers. So what is care it is nothing then love, passion and kindness for others? One can share only his articles and things if someone finds other lovable. The most caring relation in the world is of parents, who cares most for their offspring.

So sharing is only done if someone has a love for others and in other way he will care only if there is some room in his heart for that person. So it is absolutely right that we can share the things if we have no more love for others. Once we are affectionate with others we will readily share our stuffs to others.

Sharing brings love, care, passion, tolerance, interdependence, empathy, responsiveness, gratitude and harmony not only among the families but as well as in the societies and countries. We find a person, a society and a country more lovable and friendly if it shares his things and helps us in the time of distress and hardship.

So as a Human Being, Please so share your problems, issues, concern and any other aspect of your Life with yours beloved once or with your friends so can help you to come out from your depression or problem.

So here i have written something on it, i hope you people will like it:


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